Review by Michele du Plessis
“Going through life I was exposed to many things which promised an outcome that proved valuable at that stage. Most did, however, contribute to my personal growth or helped me succeed in the spheres where I was involved in. Living a balanced life, however, posed a major challenge. It took more than half a century to develop a model that worked for me.”
“The world we live in seems to be speeding up every day. We seem to have less time today than we did a decade ago. Yet the reality is that we still have the same 24hrs each day. It’s just that we have more options concerning how we spend those hours.” Luther C Diedericks, author of Be Triumphant said.
Everything is getting faster
With the aid of personal computers, the internet and mobile phones, we can do things much faster than we used to. The trouble is, now we’re expecting to take on more instead of using this “additional” time for things that are important to us. Today there are more distractions and interruptions than ever and many of us feel we have lost sight of who we are, what we stand for and what we want out of life.
Many of us are caught up in the fancy of consumerism, where the primary focuses are on the money and our lack of it. Our careers and professions have become money-driven instead of purpose and passion-driven, and we justify this by telling ourselves that once we have put in all the time and effort we will then have the time and money to spend with our families and loved ones. Sadly, however, the opposite happens. Our families and loved ones drift away because we don’t seem to have time for them.
My legacy
“Over the years I experienced success but more failures in realizing the legacy I want to leave the world. This experience and insights gained led me to write the book: Be Triumphant Life – mastering the Triangle of Success,” Luther said.
In 2005 Luther Diedericks started a journey with the earnest desire to develop a platform where people in business for themselves and those that support them, can engage and prosper resulting in continuous economic growth to eradicate poverty.
“The book I wrote in 2015 will now be published as the first book of five in the series called “A quinological journey to a Triumphant Life”.
Book 1 – Be Triumphant is an introduction and overview with books 2 to 4 an expansion and practical application of the Triangle for Success
Book 2 – Mastering income, Book 3 – Mastering yourself, Book 4 – Mastering wealth and Book 5 – Sharing your gift, will complete the series.
Developing models
“I spent most of my working life developing models and applications to make an organization more effective and efficient. Being ambitious and the perceived value and more income derived from improved efficiency and effectiveness handsomely rewarded me as well in achieving such improvements for organisations.
As life however progressed, I realized more and more the importance of self and life mastery and its interactive impact on business and ability to have sustained income. With retirement becoming something to consider, I realised the importance of investments. This dimension completed for me the Triangle for Success to be mastered to have a Triumphant Life by living a balanced life.
Finding Balance
To find “balance” in my life I used the following approach within my “wheel of life”. There are three spokes, Life, Business and Investment that provides structure to my wheel of life.
At any time only a part of my “wheel of life “is on the road and requires focussed attention to provide movement or Growth. The other areas, however, need to be in place and maintained to provide the structure and ensure the focus area can provide the required traction for movement,” Luther continued.
The continuum of entrepreneurship
According to Luther, some four years ago it became clear there is 80/20 split in the entrepreneurial population and requires a different approach to optimize the impact. “Unfortunately, I was confronted with the dual problem. The massive resources required to make the 80%, mostly businesses in start-up mode, to work effectively and the intensive competition in serving the 20% growth market.
The solution applied
Then came the Coronavirus pandemic which impacted the world to such and extends that massive change will be required to create the “New World” that will be required. I took up the challenge to fast-track my entrepreneurial solution.
With the idle time I and other people had all over the world during the lockdown, like-minded people found each other, and we started to work on a solution. There was a sense of urgency as we realized the previous way of doing business is no longer valid and might become irrelevant and a new approach would be required. We started implementing our solution as a pilot in the Saldanha Bay municipal areas on 1 June 2020 using the Triangle for Success as a guiding framework.